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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 05/23/06

Present for the Community Preservation Committee and attending the meeting were:  Andy Goldman, Jane Slater, Warren Doty, Bill Randol, Karin Wetmore, Russell Maloney and Chuck Hodgkinson.     

Mr. Goldman opened the meeting at 5:02 PM.
1.      WHITE PERCH FOLLOW UP:  Follow up research on Mr. Larsen’s proposal to reintroduce white perch into Squibnocket Pond indicated the County of Duke’s County is the only county in the state that allows commercial white perch fishing.  However, due to these restrictions it will be difficult to find farm-raised fish for stocking the pond.  It was also agreed that before any action is taken further research would be required that includes a feasibility study and its impact on the current fish stock and a plan for maintaining the fishery.  The Committee agreed it does not have the resources for this work and will pursue a posture of watchful waiting.

2.      STONE WALL RESTORATION – PHASE II:  A brief outlining potential sections of stone walls for preservation along State Road, Middle Road and Menemsha Crossroad and a pro-forma cost estimate were reviewed with corresponding pictures.  The Committee discussed and agreed to ask stone wall property owners to make a contribution to the cost of the restorations.  Chuck H. will draft several options for consideration before the owners are contacted.  The immediate next step is to review the proposal with the Historical Commission for input and to help determine a priority order for each proposed section—should there be budget limitations.  Chuck H. will review the pro forma cost estimate with a stonemason to determine whether or not it is reasonable, start the procurement process and draft contact letters.

3.      MENEMSHA ICE MACHINE COST ESTIMATES:  The cost estimates and specifications from two separate vendors for salt water ice machines were reviewed.  After discussion it was agreed this project would only be pursued as a backup plan to Louis Larsen’s plan to become a commercial fish buyer with ice supply.  Separately, the status of the Governor’s Seaport Council as a potential funding source for this equipment was discussed.  It was agreed to submit a detailed proposal to the Council as per their instructions – even though the available funds are temporarily frozen in the state legislature.  Mr. Goldman volunteered to review the proposal with Mr. Larsen before it is submitted.  Mr. Doty suggested making sure our state representatives also receive a copy of the proposal.

4.      ROBERT THORSON SEMINAR ON HISTORIC STONE WALLS:  Chuck H. updated the Committee and said Mr. Thorson is eager to host the seminar and walk but has schedule conflicts in mid-summer.  The Committee agreed to continue pursuing a date in July, August or September.  The Historical Commission would host the program that would be held at the Chilmark Library.

5.      CPC MIDDLE LINE ROAD (MLR) SUB-COMMITTEE UPDATE:  Messrs. Doty and Goldman updated the Committee on the plan for MLR and the formation of the MLR Permitting Committee.  The group agreed the Board of Selectmen is united on the fresh approach for building the Middle Line Road plan and optimistic that the plan will happen in a speedy way.  Appointments have already been made with several of the Town’s permitting boards to discuss the required permits and process.          

6.      MINUTES:  The 4/25/06 meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

7.      FUTURE PROJECTS:  Ms. Wetmore asked to discuss ideas for future CPC projects.  Mr. Doty proposed finding a way to acquire sub-standard vacant lots and then donate them to the Habitat for Humanity for affordable housing development.  It was pointed out that several other Towns throughout the Commonwealth have successfully used CPA funds for joint affordable housing programs with the Habitat for Humanity.  Chuck H. reminded the group that the Town has initiated foreclosure proceedings for two two-acre lots through the Tax Collector’s office.  Mr. Goldman mentioned the Housing Committee is aware of this process and has discussed the potential of using the lots for affordable housing – if and when they come under the Town’s control.

8.      NEXT MEETING:  The next CPC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at           5:00 PM.      

With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.